I'm a writer with a background in business and creativity.

UX/Content Design


UX, content design, and research

Role: UX writer, content designer

I love working with designers and researchers to solve pain points for our learners and instructors. When possible, I like to use research to understand the audience better and guide my decisions. Here are a few recent projects:

Content design framework

Iā€™m currently working on building a stronger framework for Content Design at Udemy. This includes an overview of the function, guiding principles, best practices, and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Image: Hal Gatewood

Learning streaks

I paired with a designer and product manager to create and test learning streaks in our product. With the help of user research, we developed upbeat and motivating copy for the different states a learner could be in.


This team effort used consumer video interviews to develop a better onboarding experience. The end goal was converting more learners to subscriptions to boost a reliable stream of consumer revenue. It will also raise the long-term value (LTV) of our customers.

Logged-out homepage module.